At Ohio University, the Change Our Outcomes walk was designed to raise awareness about the fact that Black women currently have much worse outcomes when it comes to chronic illnesses than other populations. “The inspiration is just my lived experience as a Black woman,” the institution’s wellbeing support manager Dianna Johnson-Ward told The Post. “I’m very aware of the issues that affect us when it comes to health and how hard our community is being hit.” So, she arranged a group walking event one Saturday this October to help other women participate in an active, social community. Multiple-paced groups walked along the local bike path while socializing and discussing “honestly everything,” one walk leader said.

“The experience I think went really well, we’re out walking for change and really to help support and raise awareness on Black women’s health issues across campus,” Taylor Bauer, wellbeing support manager in the Office of Health Promotion, said. “I think it went really awesome. It was great having a crowd and being able to walk on a beautiful day like today.”

Johnson-Ward plans to offer other opportunities for this type of group fitness in the campus Recreation Center, while also inviting Black and women of color health care providers to hold group conversations.

Learn more here.