
David Walden is the Director of the Counseling Center and a lecturer in Psychology at Hamilton College.

David also serves on the Board of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors and has been in higher education for over 20 years. David was co-author of a recent AUCCCD position paper on the future of mental health services in higher education, and he is passionate about understanding and navigating the changing mental health landscape in higher education. 

During his time at Hamilton, the Counseling Center has grown from three therapists to a large, interdisciplinary staff that provides treatment and wellness services in a state-of-the-art, donor funded facility. His areas of focus are creating meaningful places to work for staff and systems that serve students well. David is a licensed psychologist and holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Fielding Graduate University. He enjoys being a parent to two beautiful and spirited kids, rock climbing, flying, and he recently put out an album of music called "From the Couch".