Hailey BrownHailey Brown currently serves as a Clinical Case Manager at the University of Florida, Counseling and Wellness Center. She served as a victim advocate for 3 years with the University of Florida police department.

Hailey has supported numerous college students with the student conduct and Title IX process. She completed a 40- hour training as a Victim Services practitioner through the Florida Crime Prevention Institute. Hailey has served as both a frontline response to sexual violence and an educator for various programs. She has provided trainings to both campus and community partners to support survivors of sexual violence. Most recently, she presented on sexual violence at the national conference for higher education case managers in June 2021. Hailey has developed presentations for students, parents, faculty, and staff related to safety considerations for cyberstalking and technology crimes. She has served on multiple committees including the Coalition Against Sexual Violence, Fatality Review Team, and served as co-chair for the High-Risk Team against Domestic Violence. Hailey collaborated with both campus and community partners to develop a survey for the Alachua County Rape Crisis Center to assess services rendered and best practices moving forward. In addition, she is a registered mental health counseling intern with the Florida Board of Health and will be fully licensed and starting a doctoral program in Counselor Education at the University of Florida in the Fall of 2021. Hailey has attended level I and II training for DBT skills. She currently works on-campus serving a as a clinical case manager for student in distress. Her passion is to end sexual violence and ensure there is proper, trauma-informed campus response for students.