Active Shooter on Campus – May 6, 2025

Sale price$399.00


Tuesday, May 6, 2025
2:00 – 3:30 pm ET

Prepare Your Campus with Simulation & Tabletop Training

Worries about active shooters on campus keep administrators up at night – as many fear that a worst-case scenario will become a reality. Most campuses have reacted and responded to the threat of an active shooter, but how do you continue to educate, inform, train and keep your campus community aware of active shooter scenarios?

You must continually work to keep fear to a minimum and confidence high should chaos erupt on your campus.

This tabletop training will provide you and the critical stakeholders on and off campus with insight into the critical phases to manage an active shooter from response and reaction to recovery.

Join our expert presenter on May 6, 2025, as he guides you through this critical safety topic and tabletop exercise from planning, materials needed, resources to include, decision matrix to post tabletop evaluation and after-action report.

You’ll gain strategies for planning an effective tabletop exercise that is realistic, timely and relevant so you can proficiently facilitate and host active shooter tabletop trainings for key constituents from on- and off-campus. Instill confidence that your campus will be ready should the unthinkable occur.  

Topics Covered

As a result of this webinar participants will be able to:

  • Educate the entire campus community on situational awareness, response and reaction protocols and ultimately recovery from an active shooter incident.
  • Develop basic plans for the phases of active shooter tabletop training – from pre-event communication, scenarios development, to post event evaluation – ensure participants are informed, engaged and leave with confidence and response acumen.
  • Plan for an all-hazards approach plan for crisis response that involves advanced planning with local emergency management, police and other first responders.
  • Plan and implement thorough and detailed campus active shooter drills and tabletop exercises based on building understanding, resiliency and an ability to act, so you can prepare and train your campus for the worst before it becomes a reality.
  • Learn how to develop and lead acts of violence/active killer simulation scenarios that you can employ on your campus for better preparation and response should a tragic incident occur.


Tony Callisto recently retired as the Senior Vice President for Safety & Chief Law Enforcement Officer for Syracuse University.
Click here for full bio.

Included When You Register

Invite your entire team for one low price!

  • Live 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
  • Access for your entire team for one low price
  • Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand (available after live event)
  • Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
  • Certificate of completion for each participant
  • Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus

Instructions for live webinar access for your group are provided to you immediately upon checkout. Instructions for accessing the on-demand recording will be emailed to you approximately 24 hours following the live webinar. Feel free to contact us at or 1-866-295-0505 with any questions. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email

PaperClip Communications welcomes persons with disabilities to join our webinars. If you anticipate needing an accommodation or have questions about the online access provided, please email at least two weeks in advance of your participation.

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