Student disability offices need to create strong partnerships with academic affairs and faculty members to ensure successful implementation of academic accommodations and the use of auxiliary aids in the classroom, as the number of students seeking academic adjustments and modifications continues to increase in demand and complexity.
Faculty can feel confused by “non-traditional” accommodations like “extensions on assignments” or “flexibility with attendance.” Working together, the student disability office and the academic affairs team can create a comprehensive approach to implementing accommodations that are fair for all students.
Our expert presenter will help strengthen your interactive reasonable accommodation processes and develop stronger partnerships between student disability offices and academic affairs/faculty members.
You’ll be better able to understand when an accommodation request for an auxiliary aid or an adjustment is unreasonable and learn how to say “no” without fear of a complaint.
Topics Covered
Gain crucial, actionable takeaways that will help you:
- Understand that some accommodations and modifications can be successfully implemented in the traditional academic classroom but that troubles may arise when trying to mirror that accommodation in a clinical environment, internship, or study abroad experience.
- Know when an accommodation request for an auxiliary aid or an adjustment is unreasonable and learn how to say “no” without fear of a complaint or lawsuit.
- Create a disability services liaison network with subject matter experts who can assist in the implementation of auxiliary aids and academic adjustments in degree programs.
- Create a monthly workflow and team approach for regular communication between the student disability office and academic affairs to discuss, troubleshoot, and plan for smooth implementation of adjustments and aids in the classroom.
- Develop a process, plan, and committee to review accommodation requests that may “fundamentally alter” academic programs or classes (Wynne v. Tufts committee).

Leigh Fickling is the Deputy Title IX Coordinator and an Accommodations Consultant at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
Click here for full bio.
Included When You Purchase
- 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
- Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand
- Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
- Certificate of completion for each participant
- Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus
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