How-To Tips and Hands-On Assessment Tools
With the demand for assessment data increasing, student affairs professionals are being called upon to produce evidence that shows how everything from student learning outcomes to programs, activities and services are contributing to the academic mission of the institution and using limited resources effectively.
Assessment is a necessity to help us work smarter, tell our story and best meet campus community needs. The more tools you and your colleagues have to gather diverse data and share it with various audiences, the more effective your assessment efforts will be.
What’s Included
Successful Campus Assessment: Design, Data Collection, Interpretation, Equity and Storytelling – This 120+ page binder takes you through the assessment cycle, from developing your initial purpose to using data to tell your campus story, in a user-friendly, interactive manner. Inside you'll find worksheets, how-to pieces, handouts, checklists and more to help you plan and implement a successful assessment process. This binder provides hands-on, interactive tools to help you and your team conduct effective, efficient assessment projects.
- Advanced Assessment for Student Affairs: Making Reliable Data-Based Decisions – This binder will help you look at issues and challenges through different lenses to best meet student, departmental and institutional needs. Inside this unique resource, you’ll find a how-to guide for various assessment methods, such as classroom assessment techniques, visual methods, rubrics, tracking student data, benchmarking, program review and more. You’ll also find hands-on worksheets, checklists, case studies, templates and resources to use as you determine the assessment method that will work best for various situations.
Plus, your purchase also includes a site license to share with your staff and campus community!
Two Versions to Choose From
Printed with Digital Download – includes a printed copy of each of these two resources as well as digital access to the enclosed materials and accompanying license to share with your campus community. Price includes shipping fee.
- Digital Download Only – includes digital access to these two resources and accompanying license to share with your campus community.
Upon purchase, the instructions for downloading this resource will be immediately available. For questions, email