Building Community Connections

Version: Print with Digital Download
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Adaptable Campus Innovations

Building community and connection points is a bedrock of campus life. Engagement creates a sense of inclusion and belonging, where students know they’re safe, valued and welcomed. Yet, this campus cornerstone currently faces challenges: a dip in club and organization membership since Covid, as well as students isolating and having difficulty finding ways to belong.

Luckily, a surge in campus innovation is taking place, resulting in creative, effective ways to build community. We profile campus examples that can be adapted to your home institution. This new resource, Building Community Connections: Adaptable Campus Innovations, will:

  • Spark new ideas, conversations and possibilities among you, your students and your colleagues
  • Lead to engaging programs that encourage a wide variety of students to participate in the life of your campus
  • Enhance a vital sense of belonging among your students
  • Tap into the engagement•belonging•retention pipeline as more students decide to stay once they find campus connection points
  • Target various campus populations to create an inclusive community focus
  • Provide a substantial starting point as you introduce important new connection points into your campus offerings
  • Create a more connected, community-minded campus culture

5 Ways to Use This Resource

  1. To spark brainstorming sessions among both student and professional programming committees
  2. To guide collaborative efforts with other departments, offices and organizations
  3. To illustrate to campus decision-makers what can be done and what is being done successfully
  4. To focus training discussions on different ways to build community and connection points, beyond the tried-and-true
  5. To help groups get excited about new programming possibilities!

What’s Included

Within this resource, you’ll find ways that fellow colleges and universities are creating connection points and building community. Each campus example will include an easy-to-digest, page-long summary of the highlights, plus where to go for further information.

Building Community Connections: Adaptable Campus Innovations is simple, to the point and completely useful as you work to reconnect with students and build that community so important to the college experience.

Plus, your purchase also includes a site license to share with your staff and campus community!

Two Versions to Choose From

  1. Printed with Digital Download – includes a printed copy of this resource as well as digital access to the enclosed materials and accompanying license to share with your campus community.  Price includes $9 shipping fee.

  2. Digital Download Only – includes digital access to this resource and accompanying license to share with your campus community.

Instructions for accessing this resource will be available for download immediately after checkout. For questions, email

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