Navigating New Customer Service Considerations & Expectations
The expectations for frontline staff continue to evolve, as many are now interacting with more and more students and families in an in-person setting. Providing comprehensive training and support is essential to ensure they can provide outstanding service with confidence and ease.
Gather your frontline staff for this valuable and practical training opportunity. Your administrative staff will be equipped with practical resources they need to feel empowered and excited to interact with customers in person and on the phone. They will be able to better manage minor disruptions immediately and effectively to avoid more egregious behavior from occurring and help ensure conflicts are de-escalated before they get completely out of hand.
Equip your staff with the necessary training and resources they need to be successful, exude confidence and navigate difficult situations effectively. Frontline staff must embrace a customer service culture to ensure “customers” feel wanted, understood and valued, while also upholding the mission of your institution.
Topics Covered
As a result of this webinar, you will be able to:
- Recognize the impact of the pandemic on frontline staff and the constantly evolving expectations and pressure they experience – adapt your training to include the necessary skills and resources they need to be successful, exude confidence and navigate difficult situations effectively.
- Navigate problem-solving when some staff may still be working remotely – manage expectations for your frontline staff to better support and ensure they still can provide outstanding service, are comfortable and have open lines of communication with staff who may still be working remotely.
- Develop organizational procedures, policies and strategies that allow staff to feel confident and secure in their response protocol – motivate frontline staff to avoid potential burnout and improve employee satisfaction, retention rates, and overall departmental operations.
- Train your frontline and support staff on how to utilize tools and strategies to navigate working with difficult people – embolden staff to use appropriate conflict resolution skills to deescalate a potentially volatile situation to achieve positive outcomes while maintaining professionalism and providing excellent customer service.
- Foster an environment that will help “customers” feel valued, understood, and valued – understand their issues and needs and provide positive outcomes that lead to a great service experience.

Dr. Staci Phelan currently serves as the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at Idaho State University.
Click here for full bio.
Included When You Purchase
- 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
- Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand
- Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
- Certificate of completion for each participant
- Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus
Instructions for access are available immediately upon checkout. You may share this On-Demand Training with any staff members from your campus community for unlimited viewing. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email