Tuesday, June 10, 2025
2:00 – 3:30 pm ET
Increase Student Completion & Satisfaction Through Differentiated Care
Proactive, intrusive, relationship-based academic advising and outreach are becoming a necessity. A “course scheduling” culture is no longer enough. Today’s most successful academic advising models are case management models, with built-in Differentiated Care Advising (DCA), and outreach leading to relationship building prior to students even arriving on campus.
Six years ago, Florida Atlantic University began transitioning into their new academic advising model. This change has driven a 25.9% increase in 4-year graduation rates, a significant decrease in undeclared students by the end of their second year, a 12% increase in first to second year retention, and greatly impacted admission yield rates for influencing new first-time students to commit to FAU.
Join us on June 10, 2025, to find out how you can adapt this model to your campus. Program details, handouts and a mathematical model to calculate and measure advisor workload will be shared.
Topics Covered
Gain crucial, actionable takeaways that will help you:
- Create a method for developing advisor caseload.
- Explore a calendar of conversations for successful student outreach.
- Identify ways to adapt the caseload model to your institutional needs and formulate concrete steps to implement a practical model.
- Explore the DCA model, understanding fully its advantages and disadvantages.
- Consider and identify potential target populations.

Joe Murray is currently the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies at Florida Atlantic University located in Boca Raton, Florida.
Click here for full bio.
Included When You Register
Invite your entire team for one low price!
- Live 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
- Access for your entire team for one low price
- Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand (available after live event)
- Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
- Certificate of completion for each participant
- Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus
Instructions for live webinar access for your group are provided to you immediately upon checkout. Instructions for accessing the on-demand recording will be emailed to you approximately 24 hours following the live webinar. Feel free to contact us at or 1-866-295-0505 with any questions. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email
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