Involuntary Dismissals, Leaves & Readmission Policies – April 2, 2025

Sale price$399.00


Wednesday, April 2, 2025
2:00 – 3:30 pm ET

Support Students of Concern and Legally Protect Your Institution

Updating and improving existing student leaves and readmission policies helps make legal, defensible decisions and support students of concern. Determining the best way to respond to students who are deemed to be a threat to themselves, or others, and crafting those policies effectively is a very daunting task. 

Join our expert presenter on April 2, 2025, as she provides the practical advice you are seeking and the roadmap you need to craft policies for safety concerns and to navigate the various types of departures. Additionally, you’ll explore the criteria for a safe readmission of a student of concern. She will breakdown the recent case law about suicidal students, as well as the enforcement actions pursued by the Office for Civil Rights and the Department of Justice. 

Gain the confidence to update and improve existing student policies, to reduce confusion, and to make difficult conversations with students and their families easier. Protect your institution from unwanted costly lawsuits.

Topics Covered

Gain crucial, actionable takeaways that will help you: 

  • Navigate various types of departures (leave of absence, withdrawal, disciplinary sanction) successfully based on the most up-to-date information on relevant laws, including the ADA and Section 504.
  • Draft institutional policies to ensure compliance with the law, and support decision making by administrators and behavioral intervention teams.
  • Explore the multiple factors that may contribute to a decision on whether a student may be re-admitted.
  • Feel confident to update and improve your institution’s current policies to help you make difficult decisions regarding your students’ and community members’ safety and well-being.
  • Share expectations about when there is a serious safety concern to help employees who support students to know when to escalate a concern. 
  • Craft a defensible policy for the circumstances where a student must be involuntarily removed from enrollment.


Hannah Ross currently serves as the General Counsel, Chief of Staff, and Secretary to the Corporation at Middlebury College in Vermont.
Click here for full bio.

Included When You Register

Invite your entire team for one low price!

  • Live 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
  • Access for your entire team for one low price
  • Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand (available after live event)
  • Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
  • Certificate of completion for each participant
  • Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus

Instructions for live webinar access for your group are provided to you immediately upon checkout. Instructions for accessing the on-demand recording will be emailed to you approximately 24 hours following the live webinar. Feel free to contact us at or 1-866-295-0505 with any questions. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email

PaperClip Communications welcomes persons with disabilities to join our webinars. If you anticipate needing an accommodation or have questions about the online access provided, please email at least two weeks in advance of your participation.

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