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Living in Community is a given on today’s campuses, whether it’s within traditional residence halls, family housing, suites, apartments, theme houses, Greek housing or living-learning communities. It takes connection and compromise to make these types of living arrangements work effectively.
Luckily, Living in Community addresses the “how to’s” of community life for students and those who support them. From getting involved to managing conflict, contributing to community, looking out for one another, communicating effectively and more, it's all in here.
Plus, this brochure can be customized with your school's logo and campus-specific information!
Topics Covered
- Community engagement
- Creating an inclusive, welcoming community
- Making community connections
- Being part of the safety solution
- Paying attention to the “little things”
- The benefits of community involvement
- Emerging from tech-induced isolation
- Fostering community pride
- Steering clear of the rumor mill
- Managing conflict
- Decisions
Post to Your School’s Website with a Digital License
A Digital License allows you to post a digital PDF of the brochure on your school’s website and distribute electronically to members of your campus community. Choose the format that works best for you — printed copies, a digital license or get both for the best value!
Customize with Your Campus-Specific Information
When you order the customized version of this brochure, we will add your school or department logo to the front cover and your institution’s name and website to the footer throughout. Plus, fully customize the entire back page with your campus-specific information, such as:
- Contact information for key offices or departments
- Important policies or mission statements
- Support services available at your institution
- On- and off-campus contacts for those in need
- Your department/institutional webpage and resource links
Instructions for submitting your custom content can be found here. A PaperClip Communications team member will contact you upon purchase to assist you with your custom materials. For questions, email