Mental Health & Well-Being Workshops Training Package

Version: Print with Digital Download
Sale price$611.00 Regular price$811.00


Check Back Soon for Sample Pages from the Staff & Faculty Guide
Click Here for Sample Pages from the Student Guide

Address Uncertainty, Prevent Burnout, Improve Coping Skills and Support Struggling Students and Staff

Staff and faculty members are spent. And it is certainly no surprise that our students are struggling during these uncertain times, too.

The overload of emotional labor, stress, burnout, compassion fatigue and other well-being realities is wearing away at staff and faculty members, leaving them depleted and struggling to cope.

At the same time, our students are working to contend with uncertainty, engage, manage intense emotions and explore their own resilience. They’re being pressure-cooked by current realities and their well-being needs our attention.

The realities of our collective uncertainty need immediate attention – to do right by our faculty, staff and students. 

That’s why we’ve developed the Mental Health & Well-Being Workshops Training Package. These 20 workshops — 10 for faculty and staff and 10 for students — are ready to present to your faculty, staff and students, in language and actions that fit their experiences and emotional needs. Offer your staff, faculty and students real-life coping mechanisms they can put into practice.

Plus, your campus site license allows you to digitally share any of the 20 workshops in online forums, too.

Topics Covered

Each of the modules within each of these 120+ page resources can be used to present a 45- to 60-minute training workshop in whatever format best serves your audience. Or pieces of it can be used in smaller segments to meet your audience’s individual needs.

Topics covered in the 10 Student Mental Health & Well-Being Workshops Training Guide include:

  1. Building Resilience
  2. Facing Emotional Exhaustion and Depletion
  3. Setting Boundaries
  4. Remembering Your “Why”
  5. Managing Social Anxiety
  6. Practicing Emotional Self-Management
  7. Refocusing in Times of Change
  8. Making and Maintaining Social Connections
  9. Getting Unstuck
  10. Dealing with Intense Emotions

Topics covered in the 10 Staff & Faculty Mental Health and Well-Being Workshops Training Guide include:

  1. Contending with Chronic Stress
  2. Handling Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
  3. Coping with the Reality of Increased Emotional Labor/Care Work
  4. Engaging in Rest and Recovery Efforts
  5. Supporting Colleagues Facing Stress and Weathering Discrimination
  6. Practicing Emotional Self-Management
  7. Addressing Languishing and Finding Flow
  8. Engaging in Healthy, Enduring Behaviors Rather Than Soothing Behaviors
  9. Refocusing and Practicing Attention Management
  10. Re-engaging with Your Purpose

What’s Included

Use the tangible training tools inside 10 Staff & Faculty Mental Health and Well-Being Workshops Training Guide and 10 Student Mental Health & Well-Being Workshops Training Guide to help improve faculty, staff and students’ well-being.

Within the 20 workshop modules, you’ll find…

  • An overview of the topic, filled with research, best practices and more that trainers can use to present the topic in a high-quality, comprehensive manner
  • Handouts with key information to share
  • Interactive worksheets, discussion questions and self-work to engage learners
  • Talking points and a sample workshop agenda that tie the information to all the supporting pieces

Your purchase also includes a site license to share with your campus community — perfect for both in-person and remote training initiatives!

Two Versions to Choose From

  1. Printed with Digital Download – includes a printed copy of each of these two training guides as well as digital access to the enclosed materials via a password-protected website and accompanying license to share with your campus community. Price includes $12 shipping fee.

  2. Digital Download Only – includes digital access to the materials in both resources and accompanying license to share with your campus community.

An updated version of this resource will be available on or around April 15, 2025. For questions, email or call 1-866-295-0505.

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