Title IX Rights and Responsibilities: A Student’s Guide – Brochure for Students

Format: Printed Plus Digital License
Printed Copies: 500
Sale price$1,958.00


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Updated May 2024 to Reflect the Latest Federal Regulations!

It’s a quick turnaround: As of August 1, 2024, the newest Title IX regulations go into effect on campuses throughout the U.S. And, as part of campus compliance efforts, students need to know both how they’ll be protected and where to turn if they’re subjected to sex discrimination of any kind.

The newly revised Title IX Rights and Responsibilities: A Student’s Guide is the complete package. This customized, 12-page brochure covers:

  • The promise of Title IX to prohibit sex-based discrimination in its multiple forms and what students can expect from your institution
  • How Title IX Coordinators can help both complainants and respondents
  • Confidentiality concerns
  • Helpful points for complainants and respondents to know
  • Protection from retaliation
  • Supportive measures
  • Facing sex-based harassment and sexual assault
  • Protections against discrimination based on pregnancy or related conditions/parental, family or marital status/sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Understanding campus grievance procedures
  • Differences between campus Title IX and law enforcement investigations
  • How to help a friend

Plus, this brochure is customized with your school's logo and campus-specific information!

Provide students with immediate resources right when they need them.
Put complicated Title IX regs into easily understandable terms.
Let students know how you support them.
Keep your institution in compliance with Title IX.

Post to Your School’s Website with a Digital License

A Digital License allows you to post a digital PDF of the brochure on your school’s website and distribute digitally to members of your campus community. Choose the format that works best for you — printed copies, a digital license, or get both for the best value!

Customized with Your Campus-Specific Information

When you order Title IX Rights and Responsibilities: A Student’s Guide, we will add your school or department logo on the front cover and your institution’s name and website in the footers throughout. Plus, fully customize two full pages of the brochure with your campus-specific Title IX information, such as:

  • Your Title IX Coordinator’s contact info
  • How to file a Title IX complaint
  • Important policies or mission statements
  • Support services available at your institution
  • On- and off-campus contacts for those in need

5 Ways to Use This Brochure

  1. Distribute proactively to students at orientation, first floor meetings and more
  2. Discuss during first-year student courses or leadership seminars
  3. Offer to students when they visit the Title IX Coordinator’s office
  4. Use as part of student and professional staff Title IX training
  5. Post online with your campus notice of non-discrimination

Instructions for submitting your custom content can be found here. A PaperClip Communications team member will contact you upon purchase to assist you with your custom materials. For questions, email info@paper-clip.com.

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