Peer mentorship programs aren’t just good for the students they serve. They “provide growth and learning opportunities for both mentors and mentees, resulting in a ‘double impact,’” according to the University of Michigan’s Wolverine Support Network site. “Peer support programs can also help create a positive school culture and a connectedness to the school community to both mentors and mentees.”

Plus, college students want to be there for each other and benefit from providing peer support, according to the Peer Counseling in College Mental Health survey conducted by the Born This Way Foundation and Mary Christie Institute. Close to half of those who provide peer counseling reported that “helping others” was their main motivation. And those who provide peer counseling are more likely to score higher on a well-being scale than those who do not provide peer counseling, the survey showed.

You can learn much more about this topic and others in our Peer Mentor Practices: Training, Facilitation and Programming guide.