A hard truth these days is that close to half of U.S. workers are actively job searching or watching for job opportunities, according to a recent Gallup analysis. That gets to be disruptive, expensive and disheartening. Yet, it’s also important to note that over half of voluntarily exiting employees say their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from going. One retention strategy gaining more momentum is having “stay conversations” with employees, rather than just waiting for exit interviews when they choose to leave. These frequent, meaningful, supportive conversations give employers an opportunity to tune in to their staff members’ well-being, professional development goals, job expectations and more that may influence their willingness to stick around.
According to Gallup.com, “Stay conversations are one-on-one conversations designed to learn more about the employee, including their passions and career goals, what they value in life, and what they need to be more successful in their role. Effective stay conversations are two-way exchanges that get to the heart of the individual's needs, motivations and engagement drivers.”
Effective, engaging stay conversations can be implemented well through setting the stage, establishing ownership, using a holistic approach and developing managers. As a result, according to Gallup, these conversations can boost positivity and trust, expose triggers and drive responsibility as you determine what matters most to the people you employ.
Learn more about stay conversations here.