First Generation Parents – On-Demand Training

Sale price$399.00


Create Recruitment, Outreach & Engagement Initiatives to Help Them Support Their Students’ Success

For many first generation students, creating a vibrant and welcoming campus is largely dependent on your ability to communicate successfully with their parents and guardians about the value of education, the options available on the path toward achieving a degree, and the challenges associated with adapting to the collegiate experience. New to the world of higher education, determining what their student needs and exactly how to best support them can be an overwhelming task.

Our presenter will help you develop an outreach plan for communicating effectively with first generation for maximum engagement in a way that benefits their students in transitioning to college, participating in campus life and achieving the degree they are seeking. Capture their attention, make information clear and concise, and instill confidence that your institution is the right fit for their student. 

Topics Covered

Gain crucial, actionable takeaways that will help you: 

  • Help your first generation students to be successful by developing an outreach and marketing plan that equips their parents and guardians with all of the information they need to support them – from recruitment all the way through graduation and beyond. 
  • Identify who are the best people on your campus to assist with helping first generation parents and guardians so you can create a targeted, seamless approach. 
  • Create an outreach and marketing plan for parents of first generation students to engage with campus via creative formats that will reach a broader audience and overcome the challenges from transitioning from high school to college. 
  • Create a communication plan that is integrated into your outreach activities to ease the dialogue between first generation students and their parents so they can reach a mutual understanding about expectations and decisions. 
  • Develop a marketing toolkit with pieces that matter most to first generation parents by equipping them with a better understanding of all the different options of higher education and further reinforce the value of an education.


Giovanna (Gia) Gutierrez is a community outreach specialist and leader at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. She earned her BA in 2013 and returned to Parkside in 2017 as a Bilingual Admissions Counselor for the department of Admissions, before soon becoming assistant to the Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Professional Sciences.
Click here for full bio.

Included When You Purchase

  • 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
  • Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand
  • Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
  • Certificate of completion for each participant
  • Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus

Instructions for access are available immediately upon checkout. You may share this On-Demand Training with any staff members from your campus community for unlimited viewing. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email

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