Restructuring Traditional Resident Assistant Roles – May 19, 2025

Sale price$399.00


Monday, May 19, 2025
2:00 – 3:30 pm ET

New Trends to Recruit, Select & Train Staff To Meet Current Needs

Reimagine the traditional Resident Advisor (RA) model to develop tailored roles that meet the needs of today’s students and campuses. By adjusting what it means to be an RA, - and the way they are trained - you can reinvigorate this important role and infuse a new level of excitement, encourage increased interest, and maximize human and fiscal resources.

Join our presenters on May 19, 2025, as they explore current research on RA positions including compensation, high-stress engagement, institutional climate and increased student staff burnout. Restructure and redesign the division of labor to reinvigorate this important role.

Utilize benchmarking data and best practices to guide strategic priorities and explore new trends in RA positions and training that you can implement on your own campus. Create incredible leadership opportunities and support resident students effectively and efficiently. 

Topics Covered

Gain crucial, actionable takeaways that will help you:

  • Critically evaluate and reimagine the traditional RA model to develop tailored roles that align with the specific needs of your department and institution.
  • Utilize benchmarking data and best practices from peer institutions to explore new trends in RA positions so you can explore and implement critical restructuring to your current role.
  • Identify the impact of the RA role on workload management, high-stress engagement, and burnout prevention and resident engagement.
  • Analyze compensation trends and legal considerations affecting the RA role and the need to balance departmental/institutional budgets with resource allocation.
  • Develop and execute a comprehensive communication plan to effectively market, recruit, select and train your new roles.
  • Collaborate with other departments to devise training to meet new roles and increase the confidence, skill, and comfort level of your student staff.


Dr. Detric Robinson, a proud native of Darlington, SC, currently holds the esteemed position of Director of Residential Education at the University of Denver (DU).
Click here for full bio.


Jackalynn (Jackie) Mayfield currently serves at the Assistant Director for Recruitment & Development for Residential Education at the University of Denver Housing.
Click here for full bio.

Included When You Register

Invite your entire team for one low price!

  • Live 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
  • Access for your entire team for one low price
  • Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand (available after live event)
  • Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
  • Certificate of completion for each participant
  • Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus

Instructions for live webinar access for your group are provided to you immediately upon checkout. Instructions for accessing the on-demand recording will be emailed to you approximately 24 hours following the live webinar. Feel free to contact us at or 1-866-295-0505 with any questions. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email

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