Systemically Address Needs
Within the past few years, the mental health needs of college students has consistently become the top concern of presidents of higher education institutions. College student athletes, about 10% of enrolled college students, are somewhat different than the typical student. First, they are one of the few that continued with their sport(s) beyond high school, where 57% of students were on a team.
They are also under greater pressure to perform, having to adhere to strict NCAA guidelines, maintain academic eligibility, and be responsible to coaches and administrators. On top of that, practice, travel and playing time consume a significant amount of time that non-athlete college students do not have to balance. These factors, along with various other stressors in college, impact college athletes significantly. Over the past six months, there has been four high profile suicides of female college athletes. It is clear that our college athletes are struggling.
Join our expert presenter – Dr. Marcus Hotaling, Director of the Counseling Center at Union College and the President of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors – as he addresses the growing challenges that we face in higher education in terms of the mental health needs of student athletes, and the pressures they face in terms of time management, performance, and help seeking behaviors. He’ll share various strategies to address the growing mental health needs of college student athletes in a systemic manner, and offer creative partnerships between various offices. Additionally, this program also focuses on breaking through mental health stigma with student athletes.
Topics Covered
As a result of this webinar, you will be able to:
- Identify the various support systems in place for college athletes through the NCAA and institutions – understand the benefits of these programs, as well as some of the limitations, so you can fill in the gaps.
- Develop protocols and procedures on how coaches and athletic department staff should talk about mental health with student athletes – focus on breaking through mental health stigma with student athletes so they feel comfortable and confident seeking the help they need.
- Implement screening programs – identify students who are struggling earlier so you can help them before a crisis unfolds.
- Focus on how policies and protocols can assist with academic ineligibility and injuries (such as concussions) – help students overcome these hurdles without feeling like they are all alone and that they are going to lose everything.
- Explore the rules and controversies of transgendered athletes competing - understand the unique challenges they face, as well as how you can best support them.
- Address the mental health needs of the newest college athletes – those participating in esports - be inclusive in your efforts to ensure your outreach also benefits esports athletes.

Dr. Marcus Hotaling currently serves as the Director for the Eppler-Wolff Counseling Center at Union College. Dr. Marcus Hotaling received his doctorate in counseling psychology in 2001 from the University at Albany and has worked in a variety of higher educational settings since that time. Dr. Hotaling worked at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as a psychologist and Outreach Coordinator from 2003-2007, where the school was a recipient of the first Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Grant.
Click here for full bio.
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- 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
- Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand
- Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
- Certificate of completion for each participant
- Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus
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