Improve Your Advising Acumen to Make Transformational Change
Equip your faculty, staff and administrators to competently and confidently serve as advisors to student organizations.
Advisors must wear many hats to be successful: mentor, counselor, ally, liaison, coach and friend. They play a key role in the success of any student organization, often providing continuity and connection from the past to the present – both to individuals and to the organization. Unfortunately, sometimes a lack of knowledge in advising and student leadership development, time constraints and other challenges prevent advisors from serving to their fullest potential.
Gather your faculty, staff and administrators who serve as student organization advisors for this online training where our expert presenter will guide you through human performance theory and how to apply those principles to identify gaps in organizational performance, how situational leadership can be a framework for helping student leaders maximize their potential – and those of their members, and common advising pitfalls.
Explore the essential skills to advance advising practices to maximize your students’ success and increase the positive impact you have on campus life. Learn how to protect yourself and your institution, motivate today’s generation to engage and succeed, and further your institutional mission through impactful and transformational interactions.
Topics Covered
As a result of this webinar, you will be able to:
- Identify the complex roles, responsibilities, and expectations of a developmental approach to advising student leaders — generate positive experiences and interactions with those you advise to ensure their personal and organizational growth and success.
- Improve your advising acumen to better serve your students — implement transitional practices that instill a sense of ownership and accountability in your students and ensure alignment with your institutional mission to help everyone flourish together.
- Apply organizational performance theory and situational leader principles to your advising toolbox — apply those principles to identify gaps in organizational performance and maximize the leadership potential of your student leaders and the organizations you advise.
- Analyze common advising pitfalls and challenges — protect yourself and your institution from potential backlash, negative headlines and potential lawsuits.

Dr. James McGhee is currently the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Associate Dean of Students at Randolph-Macon College located in Ashland, Virginia.
Click here for full bio.
Included When You Purchase
- 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
- Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand
- Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
- Certificate of completion for each participant
- Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus
Instructions for access are available immediately upon checkout. You may share this On-Demand Training with any staff members from your campus community for unlimited viewing. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email