Yield Higher Participation in Co- & Extra-curricular Activities to Increase a Sense of Belonging
Programs and services designed for traditional undergraduate students don’t always meet the needs of graduate and professional students on the same campus. This can leave graduate/professional students feeling unseen, undervalued and excluded.
Graduate and professional academic program structures can be significantly different than undergraduate programs, and programs, services and processes that don’t acknowledge this fact are not set up to meet the needs of graduate and professional students.
Prepare Now:
Our expert presenters will help you meet the broad success needs of this rapidly growing and diverse student population. You’ll be better able to place intentional focus on understanding the often-unique needs of graduate and professional students and deliver programs, services and amended processes that align with the expressed needs, so you can yield higher participation in co- and extra-curricular activities and significantly increase the sense of belonging that students experience.
Take Action:
Gain crucial, actionable takeaways that will help you:
- Develop a better understanding of post-baccalaureate students and institutional settings – fine-tune programs, services and processes that effectively meet the needs of graduate and professional students.
- Broaden awareness of graduate and professional student needs and where they differ from undergraduate needs – help your graduate and professional students feel seen, valued and included.
- Identify campus partners and strategies for advocating for graduate and professional student needs depending on campus dynamics – build skills to develop approaches for successful graduate and professional student services and their full engagement in the institutional experience through a variety of functional areas (orientation, advising, activities, etc.)

Phil Covington is Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). Covington holds an EdD in Higher Education Leadership from the University of Nebraska and both a Master of Science in Counseling and Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from Fort Hays State University.
Click here for full bio.

Matt Imboden currently serves as Chief Student Services Officer in the School of Business at Wake Forest University, in Winston-Salem, NC, where he leads an integrated academic services and student affairs function of committed and passionate colleagues in support of student success within a wider University environment of seven Colleges and Schools.
Click here for full bio.
Included When You Purchase
- 90-minute online session with carefully selected expert(s)
- Unlimited access to view webinar recording on demand
- Materials for your team (handouts, discussion questions, etc.)
- Certificate of completion for each participant
- Weekly newsletter – What's Working on Campus
Instructions for access are available immediately upon checkout. You may share this On-Demand Training with any staff members from your campus community for unlimited viewing. For information about licensing this webinar for unlimited distribution on your institution’s internal network/server, email