The University of Kentucky’s Inclusive Excellence and Diversity Education program (IEDE) holds a three-part Unconscious Bias workshop that is open to all faculty and staff. The workshops are sequential, but offered on multiple dates so participants can complete them in one month or over the course of a semester or year. Their website explains that the workshops provide “attendees with a shared language for understanding unconscious bias, as well as an elaborated context around and deeper awareness of the systemic and interconnected roots of bias.”
The three workshops are entitled:
Unconscious Bias Part I: Developing a Language for Unlearning. “This session introduces language as a tool for identifying and responding to acts of bias.”
Unconscious Bias Part II: Using Language to Investigate Structural Bias. “This session builds on the examples explored in Part I in order to connect types of coded language to the roots of structural bias.”
Unconscious Bias Part III: Doing Allyship: The Work of Unconscious Bias. “The final part of the series guides participants on how to practice responding to or intervening with acts of bias that they witness.”
To learn more about multiple bias initiatives like this one, tap into our new Guide to Effective Bias Reporting, Response and Training Systems: Intentional Strategies for Furthering Campus Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Efforts.