Most students can tell when we’re blowing smoke at them, despite our best intentions. Yet, our genuine care and gratitude can have a serious impact on their motivation levels, helping them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. So, it’s important to figure how to express care and thanks in explicit, concrete ways.

For instance, AACRAO’s e-newsletter shared that during the early months of Covid, “students were three times more likely to click on FAQ-style posts than ‘we are here for you’ messaging.” Concrete expressions of care like the FAQ seemed to mean more to students than purely sentimental words.

Expressing motivational care toward students can be done in a variety of practical ways, such as…

  • Providing the information they’re seeking
  • Taking time to clearly explain things
  • Showing them how to navigate processes
  • Making processes easier for them
  • Anticipating their questions
  • Including them in conversations
  • Being transparent about the “why” behind certain actions

Being Genuine with Your Thanks

It can be easy to say, “Thanks so much!” and mean it. Yet, without specifics behind why you’re thanking someone, it may not mean as much as it could. And explicit thank yous are a big part of motivating students.

So, instead of just saying, “Thank you,” how might you share specific gratitude?

Example: “Thanks for speaking up and sharing your concerns so we can work together on a solution” or “I really appreciate you pitching in to clean up after the event so we’re not leaving a mess for the cleaning staff.”

What are some specific thank you messages you might try?

Source: “The Science of Motivation,”, 11/29/21

For more motivational strategies like this one, check out our BRAND NEW 77 Ways to Motivate Today’s Students guide to help students be their own best advocates and embrace their sense of self-efficacy.