Sometimes a key way to express your school pride in a way that students will notice is to tell the positive stories of your campus. For instance, attend athletic, theater, music and other campus events to be supportive and then talk about their appeal after you’ve experienced them. Some other methods include…
- Share campus community members’ accomplishments, from the support staffer who did his first 5K to the faculty member who gave his 100th unit of blood to the Red Cross
- Know the diverse makeup of your campus population so you can share it with students in a proud manner
- Wear that college/university sweatshirt and tell people why you like working there
- Talk about the great meal you had in the dining hall
- Enthuse about a cultural celebration you attended on campus and what you learned
- Tell a story about the support staffer who made you feel so welcomed and cared for when you visited XYZ office
- Share stories about how helpful campus police are, from helping you get into your locked car to supporting students with care in the aftermath of a tough campus incident
- Offer stories about the students who help elderly neighbors by raking their leaves, who help local schoolkids with reading or who help usher at local community theater productions
Discover more retention-based initiatives like this one within our It Takes a Community: Campus-Wide Student Retention Programs resource.