As you welcome students you’re coaching, creating a space where they can feel safe, welcomed and included is key. They need to feel comfortable being vulnerable and in control of the process. Here are some things to consider…

Steer Clear of Judgments and Assumptions. Every student is unique, bringing their individuality to the table. Try hard not to assume anything about anyone based on their first impression, speech, image, body language or any surface things. They’ll pick up on it. Instead, get to know them for the unique individual they are!

Let Them Choose Where to Sit. If you’re having an in-person meeting, let students choose where to sit. Some may feel comfortable having their back to the door while others may want a sightline. Providing options can give them a sense of control and safety.

View the Messages Your Environment Sends. As you look around at the things on your walls, desk and book shelves, think about what messages they might send to students from different backgrounds and identities. Is there anything that could create an environment that doesn’t feel especially safe?

Give Them Control Over the Conversation. Rather than knocking out a particular script, let students take the lead as they’re comfortable. You can ask leading open-ended questions and offer prompts to get the conversation flowing. Yet, make sure you’re listening more than talking, not falling into advice mode or interrupting students along the way.

Use Open, Inclusive Language. Try to be welcoming and inclusive with your words, from explaining terms rather than just assuming that everyone knows them to steering clear of cultural, religious, gender, identity and other assumptions. This level of cultural competency can make or break your student coaching interactions.

Share Your Why. Open the door to those you’re coaching by sharing why you work on a college campus with college students. Let them know you’re there to help, challenge and support, all with the goal of helping them succeed. And encourage students to use you as a valuable resource, rather than an obligatory meeting, by creating an environment where no question is a dumb one, you welcome their curiosity and your empathy is on full display.

Find more how-to and training info like this, as well as helpful campus profiles, within our NEW Student Success Coaching Guide!