“Reconnect on Campus” week was recently held in Michigan to spotlight events being held at 27 community and tribal colleges across the state to help more working-age adults enroll in degree or certificate programs. The event also focused on the tuition-free Michigan Reconnect scholarship, which is the largest Michigan-wide effort to ensure that the over 4.1 million state residents without a college degree have an opportunity to earn one.
“Higher education and skilled credentials are the key to securing a better future for working families and ensuring the economic vibrancy of our state for decades to come,” said Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II. “Michigan Reconnect has put hundreds of thousands of Michiganders on a tuition free path to higher education and skills training. We want that number to grow even larger, and Reconnect on Campus week will remove as many obstacles to enrolling as possible. Governor Whitmer and I will continue working hard to ensure more Michigander can go back to school or training and envision bright futures for themselves.”
“We know that the steps to enrolling can sometimes seem overwhelming and discouraging,” said the Labor and Economic Opportunity’s Office of Sixty by 30 Director Sarah Szurpicki. “We want every Reconnect applicant to know there is support to ensure they are successful in completing their degree or certificate program. That’s one of the reasons the colleges are holding ‘Reconnect on Campus’ events – it’s a one-stop shop concept to remove barriers for adults interested in enrolling with their local community or tribal college. These events are a reminder that Reconnect applicants are one of thousands of other individuals who have decided ‘it’s never too late’ to pursue their dreams – they are not alone.”
Read more about it all here.