New skills – from dog training to tai chi, coding, technoefficiency, foster parenting, arranging music for marching bands, building perseverance and many more – are available during Princeton University’s (NJ) Wintersession. Faculty, staff and students can sign up for any of over 500 free offerings held from January 13 to 26. And involvement has been found to positively impact participants’ sense of connection and belonging within the Princeton community.

When employees were surveyed about participating in Wintersession last year, 94% agreed or strongly agreed that it fostered a sense of connection while 93% said it gave them a sense of community belonging. According to the university, staff members who participated last year said it helped them try new experiences, build new skills and enjoy a refreshing change from their usual routines.

During certain evening Wintersession events, employees’ partners and children may also attend. Check out all the offerings here.