Three campus identity centers at Brown University (RI) are expanding their staff to increase services and help students in “navigating the college experience,” according to a recent news release. The centers include the Undocumented, First-Generation College and Low-Income Student Center; the Global Brown Center for International Students and the Office of Military-Affiliated Students. “Each center serves its students by approaching their college experience through a unique lens,” the announcement read.

Campus Life decided to expand the centers because they saw “a demand for specialized spaces where these students are able to interact with peers,” reported The Brown Daily Herald. In addition to more staff, the centers will launch a collaborative speaker series to “promote the academic mission of the University by engaging students with scholars, activists and researchers on important and current issues,” according to the announcement. Plus, the expansion places “an emphasis on engaging with fellow identity centers, campus partners and community organizations.”

You can find out more about the plans for each center here.