“What takes you out of your comfort zone? What will help you to learn and grow?” That’s what the Union College (NY) Challenge re-launched by President David R. Harris encompasses. He encourages member of the campus community to expand their horizons by embracing the notion of “becoming comfortable being uncomfortable” through trying new things, exploring new ideas and seeking out new experiences, all while sharing them via #UnionCollegeChallenge.

President Harris is leading the way, according to the Union College Challenge page, “by challenging himself to broaden his exposure to music by inviting members of the community to share music that is meaningful to them – and then sitting down to discuss the music and its importance with those who share. Not only is he hoping to expand his personal playlist, but he is very much looking forward to getting to better know and understand members of the Union community through [these] interactions.”

Learn more about recent challenges, how to participate and available prizes, including two tickets to join President Harris at a local touring production of Hamilton, here.